Amazing Company

About 25 years ago, this airbox strap on my new Bultaco 125 Streaker was laying on the engine. I have been trying to find one since. A friend from another forum (XS650) mentioned that he buys from these folks. I had not heard about them as yet. I logged on and ask it they had or could find one. Nope, you have a very rare m/c with minimum parts available. About 2 weeks later, they emailed me and said an employee was at a fair (swap meet?) and found one and bought it. They wanted to know if I still wanted to buy it. YES, YES. I bought it and it arrived in Colorado..USA within 5 days from Spain!!!
It takes that long to get a letter cross country. Needless to say, I RECOMMEND VIRIVINTAGE to anyone looking for vintage Bultaco parts. What company does something like this?

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